Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Obama, the puppet on a string

Written by Jeremy Nichols 07/16/08: Obama, the puppet on a string

This fellow, Barack Hussein Obama, can give quite a speech!
Though he has nothing to say, he's trying to teach.

Teach us what you may inquire?
About how wealth is bad to aquire.

His name used to be "Barry" until "Barack" gave him his street cred,
We can all now see he is nothing more than a politcal re-tread (Jimmy Carter anyone?).

His wife is surely an angry _ _ _ _ _,
They obviously are trying to give us the bait and switch.

All the hype with many dangerous radicals behind it,
We still live in America and you know Barry don't fit!

A conservative McCain is not,
But at least his experience is more than a tiny dot (Obama= 143 days in the Senate before running for President... are you kidding me?).

The simple folk here just clinging to our guns and our God,
The alarms should be going off people- Obama is a fraud!!!


1 comment:

Nics said...

Jer!! A poem!!! Oh, I am oh so very proud of you, brother!! :)